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Invest with Confidence in Private Share Portfolios

Invest in yourself by investing in our private share portfolios. Our team of registered financial advisors will work with you to create a tailored investment strategy with the objective of outperforming the composite benchmark. We believe in a proactive approach to finance, constantly monitoring and adjusting our portfolios to ensure that you receive the greatest returns possible.

The investment style is a fundamental bottom-up analysis with a top-down macro-economic overlay. All our portfolios are actively managed to take advantage of investment opportunities in the market and economic environment. We continuously evaluate economic trends on a macro-economic basis to determine how it impacts on companies, economic sectors, stock markets and exchange rates. Portfolios are monitored on a daily basis in order to make sure that they are structured for changing market conditions or changes in the personal circumstances of the client.


The objective of any share portfolio is to seek capital growth and/or income from dividends. The target of the portfolio is to add value by outperforming the composite benchmark


Private Share Portfolios

The stock market is perceived to be very risky, but research proves that over the long term (5 to 10 years) the variability of returns is significantly reduced.

Equities have proven to be an asset class that outperforms inflation over the long term.

Therefore, in order to achieve the objective of the portfolio investors need to take some degree of risk, but risk is managed and reduced by means of diversification within economic sectors, asset classes, regions and time in the market.

Risk Management

Portfolio Info

Minimum investment:    R 500,000
Benchmark:    JSE ALSI Top 40
Risk Profile :   Aggressive
Time horizon:    Long term (5+ years)
Management Fee:    1.2%

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